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TD Insurance Single-Trip Medical Plan

This plan could be right for you if you're looking to apply for coverage for one trip with up to $5 million for eligible emergency medical expenses while travelling outside of your province or territory of residence.

Coverage Highlights

Coverage Overview

Maximum Benefit Payable

Emergency Travel Medical

Covers eligible costs such as:

  • Physician and hospital fees
  • Ambulance services
  • Diagnostic services
  • Prescription drugs
  • Medical appliances

Up to $5 million per insured person

Emergency Dental Treatment

Up to $2,000 per insured person

Out-of-Pocket Meals and Lodging

Covers costs of meals and lodging if an emergency causes you to miss a scheduled return or requires you to be relocated for treatment.

Up to $1,500 per insured person

Paramedical Services

Covers eligible services such as those of a licensed chiropractor, chiropodist, osteopath, podiatrist, or physiotherapist

Up to $300 per profession listed if required as a covered emergency, per insured person

Emergency Return Home

Must be approved and arranged in advance by our administrator


You must meet the following conditions to be eligible to apply for this insurance:

  • You are a Canadian resident.
  • You are covered by the government health insurance plan of your province or territory of residence for the entire duration of your trip and at the time a claim is incurred.
  • The minimum age of coverage for anyone on your policy, including a spouse or dependent child(ren),1 is 15 days old. There is no maximum age limit for you or your spouse.
  • Applicants 60 years of age and older will need to fill out a medical questionnaire.
  • There are medical conditions that could make you ineligible for coverage under this plan2.

Exclusions and Limitations

It’s important to know that benefits will only be paid for eligible expenses and only up to the maximum amount. A complete list of exclusions that apply to your plan will appear in your policy, but here are some examples.

  • Pre-existing medical conditions.3
  • Travelling against the advice of a physician.
  • Expenses not pre-approved by our administrator may be limited or excluded.
  • Abuse of alcohol, drug or toxic substances.
  • Self-inflicted injuries
  • Travel to destinations under a travel advisory by the Canadian government.
  • Noncompliance with any medically prescribed medical therapy or treatment.
  • The birth of any child during your trip.

Refer to the Sample Policy for a full description of eligibility requirements, defined terms, benefits, limitations and exclusions.

This plan can provide you with a lot of value

The Single-Trip Medical Plan provides coverage if you are an occasional traveler looking to apply for insurance for a single trip. If you decide to purchase this plan with your travelling companion, under our couple coverage4, or with your spouse and dependent children, under our family coverage1, it could be a cost-effective option.

TD Insurance Single-Trip Medical Plan is administered by Global Excel Management Inc. and its subsidiary, CanAm Insurance Services (2018) Ltd. TD Insurance Single-Trip Medical Plan is an individual plan underwritten by TD Life Insurance Company. Medical and claims assistance, claims payment and administrative services are provided by the administrator described in the insurance policies. Coverages and benefits are subject to eligibility conditions, limitations, and exclusions, including pre-existing medical condition exclusions. Please refer to the Sample Policy for full details.

1. Family Coverage is available on the TD Insurance Single-Trip Medical Plan for you, your Spouse and unmarried Dependent Child(ren) if you name them in your application.

Spouse means the person to whom you are legally married to; or the person you have lived for at least 1 year and publicly refers to as your domestic partner.

Dependent Child(ren) means your natural, adopted, or step-children who are:
a) unmarried; and
b) dependent on you for financial maintenance and support; and
i. under 22 years of age, or
ii. under 26 years of age and attending an institution of higher learning, full-time, in Canada; or
iii. mentally or physically handicapped.

Your Dependent Child(ren) must be travelling with you or your spouse.

Family Coverage is not available when a medical questionnaire is required for any of the travellers.

If any of the travellers do not meet these criteria, that traveller will need to complete a separate application for their own policy.

Up to 6 travellers including yourself are permitted to be under a policy through our online application.

To purchase additional coverage for groups of more than 6 people, please call our administrator at 1-833-962-1143.

2. You must NOT be travelling against the advice of a physician or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or metastatic cancer; you must NOT have a kidney disease requiring dialysis; and you must NOT have been prescribed or used home oxygen during the 12 months prior to your date of application.

3. This insurance may not cover claims related to Pre-existing medical conditions. Pre-existing medical condition means any sickness, injury or medical condition (other than a minor ailment) that was not stable during the time period specified in the policy. Refer to the Sample Policy to determine how this exclusion may affect your coverage.

4. Couple Coverage is available on the TD Insurance Single-Trip Medical Plan for you and your Travelling Companion if you name them in your application. A maximum of 2 travellers including yourself can be under a policy with Couple Coverage.

Travelling Companion means any person who travels with you during the Covered Trip and who is sharing transportation and/or accommodation with you.

Couple Coverage is not available when a medical questionnaire is required for any of the travellers.

If any of the travellers do not meet these criteria, that traveller will need to complete a separate application for their own policy by calling our administrator at 1-833-962-1143.

Mailing Address:
TD Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 1 TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2